Green business - disposable cardboard furniture

Green business ideas are what the majority of entrepreneurs search for. There are some of them that are very hard to realize (hi-tech, require special knowledge), others do not seem to be profitable (environmental friendly, but without a serious commercial basis). Yet there are some green business ideas that are both simple and perspective just like the one that I'm going to present in this post. Michael Redin, a chemist from Russia, who worked for many years in the oil industry, decided to invest his savings in a small creative business project – disposable cardboard furniture. At the moment there's one item available – a picnic chair that costs 150 rubles (about $5) and withstands human weight up to 120 kg. Each chair can be used several times and then decomposed without doing any harm to nature. Mr. Redin says plans to reduce the cost of cardboard chairs to 50 rubles (around $1.50) to make it a truly popular product. Besides, the entrepreneur will come up with a whole line of furniture made of cardboard to offer it to large retail stores. I really hope that Mr. Redin will succeed with this small green business and soon disposable cardboard furniture will appear in shops all over Europe and USA as the idea is truly great!

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