Sometimes a successful business might have a very tough start, when no one believes in the potential of your idea and no one wants to support you. Still this is not a good reason to give up and loose faith. The business that I'm going to write today proves it well: with initial investments in amount of $2 million it reached a $3 million revenue within few years, while in the very beginning the owner of this business couldn't find a bank to back the project. This unusual business started back in 2004, when the father-and-son team of Rick and Jeff Platt decided to become the owners of their own invented sport. They bought a patent, chose a name – Sky Zone – and started to train 2 teams of 12 men each. It was a combination of football, basketball, hockey and gymnastics played atop a bunch of trampolines cabled together to create a super-trampoline roughly the size of a basketball court. Unfortunately this game didn't get much popularity. Yet other opportunity appeared on their company's horizon. People from the neighborhood started to know on their door, asking for permission to use their trampoline park. And that was the right business model – charging a mere sum of $10 for an hour jumping, Rick and Jeff Platt soon experienced a true business success. Currently they own several trampoline parks around the states and plan to expand. This interesting business is a great example of how important is to be flexible and ready to change your business model if the initial one doesn't seem to work well. Business opportunities always come to those, who are ready to see them. So, being an entrepreneur means being farsighted and mobile, as well as keeping your eyes wide open for any new ideas to appear.
Source - Business Ideas