The variations on the online matchmaking sites have grown too numerous to count, but recently I came across one that seems to stand out from the crowd. What is the easiest way to meet your potential boy/girlfriend? Through friends or acquaintances. Dutch startup Inlovia adopted this idea for online space and created a very special dating site. Inlovia is a place where everyone can play Cupid and pair up friends. All you need is to fill in names and email addresses along with an explanation why you think these two can make up a couple. Inlovia then sends an email to both of those recipients telling them that their friend wants to introduce them to someone special. Each member of the potential pair has 20 days to accept or refuse the offer and the matchmaker himself can follow a personal link to find our whether they accepted or denied the match attempt. Online dating services are among those online businesses that bring significant profits in a short period of time and without any major investments. That makes this interesting business idea very promising and worth spending time and efforts!
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