Nowadays Internet is the most popular place to get some extra cash. History students are creating sites, drama artists offer CEO advises, housewives are blogging… You don't need any special education to start making money online. Yet sometimes you can't go on without a specific knowledge about graphics and html or … without a special site that will do the job for you. is a simple no registration graphics generator site to make custom text or banners. You should just choose a type of image, then fill out a form and a custom image will be created instantly. An extremely helpful tool for those hundreds of thousands of users who have their own small online business and who are not very Internet whiz. The idea of such site was in the air as there is really a huge number of people who need technical help while fulfilling some Internet projects. I'm one of them, by the way. :) And I'm pretty sure that sites similar to will continue to appear and to bring profit to their owners.
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