Any company and any business idea faces difficulties when trying to enter established, already divided market. The only way to make this start easier is to find an interesting business niche that will help you to stand out of the crowd. Take Sarah White, a 24-year-old American, who started a unique business in online psychology consulting business. Sarah White studied psychology as an undergraduate and was "uninspired" by modern approach. Taking matters into her own hands, she launched her website, The Naked Therapist. Sarah conducts $150 Skype "therapy" sessions: while her clients talk it out, she slowly takes her clothes off. "Instead of cold, objective, impersonal attitude of traditional therapists, find me, if I am with nothing to hide." – that's how Sarah explains her position. I really doubt that such sessions may resolve one's psychological problems as, in fact, that's just a kind of unusual striptease, maybe even a role play. Yet Sarah should be called a very successful business woman: she has found her own business niche, attracted massive internet communities' attention, received a lot of free advertising and ended up with quiet a profitable small business. What can I say? Bravo!
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