What's the most important thing about business card? It should be, first of all informative and second – eye catching. For those who are searching for something really special Japaneese company Arigatou Co., Ltd offers truly unique business card concept - edible cards printed on peanuts.
"Taberu Me" business cards are created using high grade CO2 laser engraving technology to print on peanut. It cost a bit more than regular cards - a set of 150 costs around $50. The name comes from "taberu" - "eat" and "me" that could either "business card" in Japanese or "me" in English. "Taberu me" business card will surely help an entrepreneur to stand out during a business card exchanging ceremony so I'm pretty sure that such business accessories will appear in USA and Europe shortly. And the quicker you bring this unique business idea to life, the better are your chances to enrich.
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