Do you practice yoga? Do you have a pet? Got a photo camera? If answer to all three questions is "Yes", then you have all it takes to start a profitable small business. Pug named Ottis got famous throughout the world, becoming the only dog-yoga. A photographer from Texas, Dan Boris, saw the enlightened animal and decided to do a photo shoot with a pug, and later created the calendar. The owner of Ottis says that her dog has learned the asanas by copying her yoga exercises. Every day she devoted several hours to yoga practice and one day her pug began to imitate her movements. As a result, the pug has developed its own yoga exercise program. Photographer, a family friend, after seeing this wonderful family-morning ritual, decided to show it around the world. Dan Boris fairly enriched when his calendar Yoga Dog entered the market and got very popular in Europe, USA and Japan. In the past few year Dan also made pictures of cats and kittens practicing some simple exercises. Dan Boris was the first in shooting yoga animals, but why should he be the only one? There are still so many animals that have not yet become yoga instructors, so there's a wide field of activity!
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