Revolights is a bike lightening system created by three young men living from Palo Alto, California: 29-year-old Adam Pettler, 36-year-old Jim Houk, and 28-year-old Kent Frankovich. Bike lights have existed in some form for a long time, but they never were so stylish and so effective at the same time. Revolights represent two hoops with LEDs that clip onto bicycle rims and combines path illumination and signaling functions. The project was launched on Kickstarter in August 2011 and raised over $ 160,000 in a short period of time. Product should be available for purchase by March 2011 and the cost should be about $ 220. Nowadays cycling is a very popular sport as well as a great alternative to getting around in car. It is both a very healthy and gree way of travelling, so it gets more and more popular all over the world. That means that market of cycling accessories and other products for cyclists is expanding quickly and is a great place to start a small business. Need some inspiration? Check out the idea of Revolights. The idea of revolutionary lightening system for bicycles seems to have huge commercial potential and the fact that guys from Revolights raised such a significant sum at Kickstarter proves it perfectly. But there is still such a big range of cycling products waiting for improvement! Don't miss your chance to found a profitable small business!
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