Anybody involved in the selling business can tell you how essential it is to accept credit cards. Many small businesses and vendors shy away from accepting credit cards because of the long-term contracts required, the bulky equipment needed and the high fees involved. However, now anybody, from the neighborhood baby-sitter to your local Girl or Boy Scout group, with a suitable smart phone and inexpensive credit card processing application can process a credit card.
Mobile Credit Card Processing Benefits There are a few unique benefits to
mobile credit card processing including real-time payment processing and account verification, easy integration of online accounts and accounting software and compatibility with many popular payment gateways and merchant accounts. Additional features may include e-mailing or texting receipts to your customers which saves you the time and trouble of producing invoices. Whether you are selling items door to door, are a vendor that frequents trade shows or offer a service like home construction, plumbing or photography, mobile credit card processing allows you to accept credit or debit cards wherever you go.
Things to Look for in Processing Options Your business is as unique as you are and with the numerous credit card processing solutions available, you are sure to find one that will meet all your m-commerce needs. To find the perfect solution, investigate each potential processing option and compare pricing, features and functionality.
Charges, Fees and Pricing Every company claims they charge the lowest fees, but that does not mean there are not hidden charges of which you need to be aware. It is more important to understand the total price rather than finding the lowest introductory rate or the lowest per transaction rate. There are many fees and charges you should apprise in order to determine the best and most practical solution for your business. Aside from a monthly service fee and set up fees, there may also be a charge every time you swipe or manually enter a credit card. The per-transaction fee is usually comprised of two charges, the processing rate and the base rate. These vary depending on which payment gateway and merchant account you use.
Favored Features Besides processing credit card, many solutions include additional features to please any merchant. With the right phone, network and service, you can have the ability to email or text receipts to your clients, manage customer information, accept tips, calculate sales and other taxes or use your device to capture your customer's signature. Features can make your job much easier, facilitate sales and increase your profit.
Security Mobile transactions may seem hazardous at first, but you can be put at ease and put your customer's fears to rest as well in knowing that processing mobile credit cards is as safe as processing credit cards in a brick and mortar store. Make sure the processing provider uses SSL encryption and is PCI compliant and soon those fears will be a thing of the past. Each processing solution for accepting credit cards has its advantages and drawbacks, find one that works best for you and your business.
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Business Ideas