Sales of plastic cutlery grow for about 20-30% per year, generating significant non-biodegradable waste and polluting the planet. The idea of single-use forks and spoons is absolutely brilliant and helps to save time and efforts required to wash-up the cutlery, but the harm caused to nature can't be ignored. Well, now people who prefer green lifestyle and care about environment can respire – a solution to this problem is found! Two Indian entrepreneurs, Narayana Peesapaty and Rama Devi Rayapudi, started a unique green business - a production of edible cutlery. Although this concept is not a new one, BK Environmental Innovations has been among the first to turn it into a reality – company already offers forks, knives, spoons and chopsticks in 3 flavours (vanilla, strawberry and pineapple) and plans to expand the range. Cutlery is made of Sorghum flour know as Jowar - a traditional Indian product. BK Environmental Innovations is a great example of truly sustainable business. They do not only sell green products, but they also popularize the idea of waste-free cutlery. Besides, there is additional sustainability is this business - BK Environmental Innovations support Indian Jowar farmers, who, for the past decade, felt a significant outflow of consumers – in India Jowar flour is slowly but surely replaced by rice. If all entrepreneurs would be as responsible as Narayana Peesapaty and Rama Devi Rayapudi, pollution would no longer be a big deal…
Source - Business Ideas