A resident of the town of Truro, UK, in an interview with one of the British media claimed that has "the best job in the world.". Besides being the best, this job is also one of the most bizarre home-based jobs I've ever heard of. For a salary of over 25 thousand pounds a year 24-year-old Nat Garvey is testing products for a sex shop. Nat got this unique job 2 years ago. She doesn't have to work in the office, all the products, naturally, have to be tested at home. "I've tried about a thousand strange, wonderful and even a little creepy adult toys. I have a fun job. I even think I could work overtime," - she said. N.Garvi doesn't think her work is strange. According to her, she works hard to get the best for the girls who go to sex shops. Young lady added that her family and friends know perfectly well what she is doing. "They even envy me," – she explained. Well, if you are young, daring and in search for home based career, then this could be the perfect option for you. There's only one problem – I doubt that there are a lot of vacancies of this sort…
Source - Business Ideas