When you are in search of new business ideas, all you need is to look around carefully, analyse your own needs and find a service or good that has not yet been presented on market, but would make your own life easier and more comfortable. Nanny in the Clouds, a website that will match parents seeking in-flight babysitters with a fellow passenger on their flight who has experience caring for children. This unique small business was founded by Julie Melnick, who once had a tough time flying alone with her 2-year old son and a lot of carry-on baggage. Signing up is free. To find a matching nanny, name, date and flight number is required. Once a match is made, parents pay $10 for an introduction to a potential babysitter. Then it's up to the sitter and the parents to work out a fee and to call the airline and ask to be seated together or request adjoining seats during check in. Upon sign up potential nannies present 2 references, but site team do not check them, so parents should show take of it themselves – either call or meet the nanny to see if she is the right person. Great business ideas are in the air, but you need to be prepared and ready to notice them and to bring them to life. Inspiration strikes when you least expect it!
Source - Business Ideas